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chapter house meaning in Hindi

chapter house sentence in Hindi
गिरजा सभागृह

chapter    उल्लास खंड खण्ड
house    परिवार प्रतिष्ठान
1.The mural paintings in the former chapter house can still be seen.

2.Supporters have kept the phones busy at the Tuba City chapter house.

3.The dormitory, refectory and chapter house were turned into granaries and storehouses.

4.Only one ( Theta Chi ) has an official chapter house off-campus.

5.A handsome Gothic doorway leading to the chapter house has been preserved.

6.During the Council, the French delegation was housed in the chapter house.

7.The chapter house is located to the north of the main building.

8.Local chapter house corporations are separate legal entities from the national structure.

9.In the same years the chapter house was also moved inside the complex.

10.The original Chapter House was a frame house located at 610 Langdon Street.

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How to say chapter house in Hindi and what is the meaning of chapter house in Hindi? chapter house Hindi meaning, translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by Hindlish.com.